February Family Faith Formation @ Home Plan
February 2025 @ Home Resources
Theme: The Eucharist
Bible Verse for Memorization:
Practice daily the Bible verse as a family --perhaps read it before dinner with your dinner prayer. Slowly try to memorize it and make it a fun game:0)
“Jesus said to them, I am the Bread of Life; Whoever comes to me will never hunger and whoever believes in me will never thirst. ” John 6: 35
First Communion Prep for January
All First Communion Homework was handed out in your child's folder this month. If you have any questions or cannot find the forms, please feel free to email peggy@vincentcatholic.org
*Please also be sure that you are going to Mass every Sunday or Saturday vigil and have your child write down one thing that sticks out to them in their journal -- this will be the confirmation that they are regularly attending Mass each weekend to fulfill the requirement next year (even during the summer when we do not meet for Family Faith Formation, please have your child keep their Mass journal--just one word or phrase that stuck out to them and the date of the Mass).
*Please also be sure that you are going to Mass every Sunday or Saturday vigil and have your child write down one thing that sticks out to them in their journal -- this will be the confirmation that they are regularly attending Mass each weekend to fulfill the requirement next year (even during the summer when we do not meet for Family Faith Formation, please have your child keep their Mass journal--just one word or phrase that stuck out to them and the date of the Mass).
You can also check out the above video series on formed.org intended as prep for First Communion and First Reconciliation. These very short 3 minute videos may also be enjoyable for younger siblings as well!
For Parents for February
Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist
Although the Eucharist appears to be simple bread and wine, it is actually the "source and summit" of the Christian life. Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist explores the truth and beauty of Christ's real presence in the Eucharist, from its origins in Sacred Scripture, to its profound role in the life of the Church and her members. It is the crescendo of the entire story of salvation. Also available in Spanish: Presencia: El Misterio de la Eucaristía.
Find guides for leaders and participants on Catholic.Market.
Although the Eucharist appears to be simple bread and wine, it is actually the "source and summit" of the Christian life. Presence: The Mystery of the Eucharist explores the truth and beauty of Christ's real presence in the Eucharist, from its origins in Sacred Scripture, to its profound role in the life of the Church and her members. It is the crescendo of the entire story of salvation. Also available in Spanish: Presencia: El Misterio de la Eucaristía.
Find guides for leaders and participants on Catholic.Market.
Whole Family Activities
Incorporate a time to pray together as a family each night:
1) Start with the sign of the cross
2) Read the Bible verse for memorization a few times with hand motions for memorizing
3) Each Sunday, read either the upcoming Gospel or the Gospel of the day as a family and practice Lectio Divina style reading. This is a practice of using your imagination to enter into the story and let the Holy Spirit bring it to life for you so you can encounter God in His word. Encourage your children (and yourselves...this is how we teach adults as well) to imagine the scene.... What do they see, smell, taste, feel, where is this taking place (by the sea, in a house, on a mountain, etc.)? Then we ask, "Holy Spirit, what do you want me to see in this passage? How do you want me to apply it to my life?"
4) When you genuflect toward Jesus in the tabernacle, encourage your children to say "Hi, Jesus, I love you!" Or thank HIm for one thing
You can check out an article about Lectio Divina with kids here.
1) Start with the sign of the cross
2) Read the Bible verse for memorization a few times with hand motions for memorizing
3) Each Sunday, read either the upcoming Gospel or the Gospel of the day as a family and practice Lectio Divina style reading. This is a practice of using your imagination to enter into the story and let the Holy Spirit bring it to life for you so you can encounter God in His word. Encourage your children (and yourselves...this is how we teach adults as well) to imagine the scene.... What do they see, smell, taste, feel, where is this taking place (by the sea, in a house, on a mountain, etc.)? Then we ask, "Holy Spirit, what do you want me to see in this passage? How do you want me to apply it to my life?"
4) When you genuflect toward Jesus in the tabernacle, encourage your children to say "Hi, Jesus, I love you!" Or thank HIm for one thing
You can check out an article about Lectio Divina with kids here.
For Preschoolers and Toddlers for February
Make sure you Sign Up for your FREE Formed.org -- Subscription
1) Go to www.formed.org
2) Click "Formed For Parishes" on the front middle of the homepage
3) Click "Find your Parish Subscription"
4) Enter zip code 92103 and click St. Vincent when it pops up
5) Enter your name and email and then respond to the email they send you
6) You should be all set after this (your computer will remember you). Should you get kicked out in the future you just click "sign in" and put your email in again and you're good to go!
In the search bar search for kids and find a plethora of great Catholic kids shows for all ages. Search for ydisciple or teens for other programs for teens. For adult faith formation content, just search the subject like "Eucharist" "prayer" etc. that you are interested in.
2) Click "Formed For Parishes" on the front middle of the homepage
3) Click "Find your Parish Subscription"
4) Enter zip code 92103 and click St. Vincent when it pops up
5) Enter your name and email and then respond to the email they send you
6) You should be all set after this (your computer will remember you). Should you get kicked out in the future you just click "sign in" and put your email in again and you're good to go!
In the search bar search for kids and find a plethora of great Catholic kids shows for all ages. Search for ydisciple or teens for other programs for teens. For adult faith formation content, just search the subject like "Eucharist" "prayer" etc. that you are interested in.
If you haven't yet filled out the medical release waiver & Turned in, please bring the below form in January or scan and attach to peggy@vincentcatholic.org
Do you want to support St. Vincent's work to make disciples of Jesus?
Posted in Family Faith Formation