Sacraments Bootcamp Part 7 - Holy Orders & The Priesthood

Sacraments Bootcamp Part 7:
Holy Orders & The Priesthood

What we did in the session this week 02-04-25

You can listen to what Fr. Alex shared in class on the priesthood below! 

Pray with the Scriptures about Both the Common Priesthood & the Ordained Priesthood

Here are the key verses about priesthood that Fr. Alex mentioned in his talk -- it is recommended that you read the whole passage around it, pray with it and ask the Lord what He wants to say to you about the common priesthood, which you are a part of.

Genesis 2: 15-17
Exodus 32: 25-29
Exodus 19: 6
1 Peter 2: 9
Matthew 10: 1-15
Isaiah 22:22
Matthew 16: 14-19
Acts 1: 15-26
Romans 12: 1-2

You may also want to read through the entire book of Hebrews---but here are some key points about Jesus as the Great High Priest
  • Hebrews 3:1: Jesus is the high priest 

  • Hebrews 4:12-16: Jesus is a compassionate high priest 

  • Hebrews 5:1-10: High priests are chosen from among men to offer gifts and sacrifices for sins 

  • Hebrews 7:17: Believers are priests forever according to the order of Melchizedek 

  • Hebrews 8:3: High priests are appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices 

Additional Resources on the Sacrament of Holy Orders and the Priesthood

Be sure to have your free formed subscription set up and be signed in for the links to work & take you straight to the talk. 
A couple short clips from with common questions about the priesthood
Offering sacrifice, mediating the forgiveness of sin, interpreting God’s law: The Dead Sea Scrolls have much to reveal about the role of the priesthood in the Essene community, but also about the priesthood of Jesus and the priesthood now. Father Dave Pivonka, TOR, and Dr. John Bergsma explain Holy Orders as a natural development of Jewish and biblical patterns.

Song of the Week: Living Sacrifice by Brandon Lake (references our common priesthood and duty to be living sacrifices)

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