Treasury of the Catholic Church Part 1

Treasury of the Catholic Church -- Catholic "Catch-All" Part 1

What we did in the session this week 02-18-25

During this class we touched on some of the treasures of the Catholic Church that we have not yet had a chance to dive into...we also had a little friendly competition with a "Catholic Pop Quiz" game...
We watched this 9 minute video from Fr. Mike about Mary -- good overview! 

Pray with the Scriptures about The Catholic Church

Matthew 16: 13-20
Matthew 18: 15-20
Ephesians 2: 11-22
1 Peter 2: 1-10
1 Timothy 3: 1-16
1 Corinthians 12: 12- 31
1 Thessalonians 5: 12-28

Additional Resources About the Rosary, Mary, Saints, and Other Catholic Specifics

A great interview with Dr. Brant Pitri on his book The Jewish Roots of the Eucharist---VERY GOOD overview of Marian theology
Warning: the one below goes super heady and deep into apologetics...but if you're looking for that kind of thing--this is your video!:-)
The below video series is from and has great discussion on saints, angels, relics, and more! *Be sure you have your subscription set up (for free with St. Vincent's (zip code 92103) in order for link below to work.  

Song of the Week: Let Our Faith Be Not Alone, Robbie Seay Band

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