DIP Hard Sayings of Jesus Part 2 Resources: Abortion, Euthanasia, Death Penalty

Resources From Class 3/12/24
The "Hard" Sayings of Jesus and Catholic Morality
Part 2: Abortion, Euthanasia and Death Penalty 

Here's what we watched in class:
We just watched the first episode of the Into Life series on formed.org with the Sisters for Life.  We talked about the mercy and healing Jesus has available to all who have had abortions or participated in abortion in any way.

We then watched some other short videos on the abortion argument in our society and how and why we must stand boldly for life and vote pro-life as Catholic Christians.
We watched this movie trailer for "Unplanned," a movie based on the life of Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood Employee of the Year, and pro-choice advocate who had a major conversion and is now a powerhouse pro-life adovcate and voice against abortion. The full movie or her book UnPlanned are definitely worth the watch/read, or just search her name on youtube for various talks, testimonies (she herself had a few abortions before her conversion), and interviews.
HandOuts From Class:

Additional Related Resources

Abortion and the Pro-Life Cause
Below is the wonderful talk that Kimberli Scully gave last year at St. Vincent's on abortion and euthanasia.  She was the head of our pro-life ministry before moving away last year...The invitation is open to anyone who would like to help head up a pro-life ministry here at St. Vincent's --we'd love to have you please email peggy@vincentcatholic.org if interested!!
Abortion Survivors Network Testimony of an abortion survivor. 
Post-Abortion Healing Ministries
12 Min above with Jackie and Bobby
4 Minutes below with Christ Stefanick
Great encapsulations of why we are pro-life as Catholic Christians
Additional Resources on Euthanasia
7 Min above and 4 Min below
Song of the Week: "Imago Dei" by Sean Feucht -- beautiful pro-life anthem, celebrating God as creator and author of life. 

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