Give Online Today
Simple and secure.
Give a single gift, or schedule recurring giving using your bank account, debit or credit card. Once you create your account you can give in just seconds.
You control the frequency.
To schedule a recurring gift change the frequency from One-Time to your desired frequency be it weekly, monthly or every two weeks.
Other ways to give

Text-to-Give is a simple, one-touch way to partner with St. Vincent's. After you send your text to the number below, you will receive a reply with a link to give your donation.
1-888-364-GIVE (4483)
1-888-364-GIVE (4483)

Give in person
Simply bring your gift, either cash or check, to Mass and deposit it in the collection basket. Please use your parishioner envelops whenever possible.

Mail a check
If you’d like to mail a check for your giving, make the check out to St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish and send it to:
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish
4077 Ibis Street
San Diego, CA 92103
Lessons in tithing
More ways to give

Restore our rectory
Help restore and maintain the Historic Jones House into a rectory for St. Vincent's Priests. To learn more about this historic house and how you can help save a piece of history while also providing for the parish click the link below.

Endowment fund
You now have the ability to help financially build the kingdom at St. Vincent's for years to come through an endowment fund. Click the link below to learn more.
Why your tithe matters
2022-2023 Fiscal Year to Date Profit and Loss
Where is your tithe going? Where is it needed? See how your giving is effecting the financial health of St. Vincent de Paul Parish community. View our live financial dashboard for clear charts detailing our year-to-date finances.
Have questions about tithing?
Check out our Frequently asked questions below. If you don't FIND your answer, We'd love to hear from you.
Fill out the form to get started.
Fill out the form to get started.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
What is tithing?
Why don’t we read about the tithe in the New Testament?
Is tithing still necessary in the Catholic Church today?
Why does the Church often refer to tithing as “giving back?”
Why can’t my parish just ask for my support when it has special needs?
Is anyone exempt from the tithe?
Tithing is such a great sacrifice? Are there any real benefits?
When I decide to work towards a tithe, should I be calculating it based on my gross or net income?
With our current financial obligations, I don’t know how it would be possible for us to convert to giving away a full 10%.
Are there any other options?
Tithing is such a huge step. How can I find the courage to commit to this way of life?
Is paying private school tuition or donating to other charities the same as tithing?
Is there a simple way to know if I am truly tithing, without doing all the math?
Why don’t we read about the tithe in the New Testament?
Is tithing still necessary in the Catholic Church today?
Why does the Church often refer to tithing as “giving back?”
Why can’t my parish just ask for my support when it has special needs?
Is anyone exempt from the tithe?
Tithing is such a great sacrifice? Are there any real benefits?
When I decide to work towards a tithe, should I be calculating it based on my gross or net income?
With our current financial obligations, I don’t know how it would be possible for us to convert to giving away a full 10%.
Are there any other options?
Tithing is such a huge step. How can I find the courage to commit to this way of life?
Is paying private school tuition or donating to other charities the same as tithing?
Is there a simple way to know if I am truly tithing, without doing all the math?