Welcome! WE're so glad you're here.
Wherever you are in your relationship with God, we welcome you and hope you will feel at home, living and growing in the life of Christ within this community. Get connected by worshipping at Mass, during the social afterward, and joining our prayer or study groups. More about those later. Now, you probably have some questions about Sunday Mass, our community, your kids, or how to register with our parish.

What to expect on a sunday
When you visit us for a Sunday morning Mass, you can expect to be embraced by a community that fully and actively participates in the Mass.
The Mass is the primary place we gather as beloved disciples of Jesus to fulfill our call as Catholic Christians; to be united to Jesus in the Eucharist and offer our lives with Jesus to our heavenly Father for the salvation of the world.
Throughout the Mass you will hear us worship the Lord with praise and contemplative song. During the homily you'll receive discipleship training based on God’s Word. Upon receiving the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus in the Eucharist, we invite and welcome you to contribute to the atmosphere of reverence, joy, and intimacy with the Lord.
The Mass is the primary place we gather as beloved disciples of Jesus to fulfill our call as Catholic Christians; to be united to Jesus in the Eucharist and offer our lives with Jesus to our heavenly Father for the salvation of the world.
Throughout the Mass you will hear us worship the Lord with praise and contemplative song. During the homily you'll receive discipleship training based on God’s Word. Upon receiving the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus in the Eucharist, we invite and welcome you to contribute to the atmosphere of reverence, joy, and intimacy with the Lord.
our community
We are a Community of Beloved disciples of Jesus the Christ, who suffered and died for our sins. Now, God has offered salvation to all people, through repentance that leads to eternal life. Proof of our life-giving repentance is that we strive no longer to live our own life, but to live the life of Jesus with our life. In other words, to make Jesus our #1 reason for living. We strive to live every moment of life with Jesus, so that we can Be-loved by Jesus, and learn to Be-loving like Jesus. We're excited you'll be joining us!

living the truth in love
There are many different life styles promoted in society today, but only one life style is promoted and acceptable for the Christian—the life style of Jesus the Christ.
If you want to be a Catholic Christian you are saying you want to learn to conform your life to the life of Jesus, to conform your will to the will of God. The way of life Jesus lived:
If you want to be a Catholic Christian you are saying you want to learn to conform your life to the life of Jesus, to conform your will to the will of God. The way of life Jesus lived:
- “...to serve not to be served, and to give His life as a ransom for many..."
- "I have come not to do my own will, but the will of my heavenly Father who sent me.”
- “My food is to do your Will O God.”
Your Children
Children are the present and future of the Church. Please know your children, toddlers, and infants are most welcome at St. Vincent's. We want the Mass to be an enjoyable experience for both you and your kids. Please know your little ones are welcome in the pews. But if you'd prefer to use our children's room, you'll find it at the front of the church to the left of the altar.

Worship times
Saturday 4PM Vigil*
Sunday 8:30 & 10:30AM
M-F 7:15AM
*With American Sign Language interpreter
Sunday 8:30 & 10:30AM
M-F 7:15AM
*With American Sign Language interpreter
Friday 7:45-8:30AM
Saturday 3:00-3:50PM
Saturday 3:00-3:50PM
Mon-Fri 7:45-9:00AM*
*Except Wednesday during school year
*Except Wednesday during school year
Click for tips to help you prepare for these sacraments and services—and connect with God like never before!
grow as a disciple
Jesus invites everyone to follow His way of life and become His Disciple, but there is a cost to discipleship:
Saint Paul, a beloved disciple of Jesus, shows us by example how to live - “I live now no longer my own life, but the life of Christ who lives His life in me…I live by faith in the Son of God who loves me and gave up His life for me.”
- “Whoever wishes to be my disciple must deny their self, pick up their cross daily, and follow me.”
- “Father, not my will, but may your will be done.”
Saint Paul, a beloved disciple of Jesus, shows us by example how to live - “I live now no longer my own life, but the life of Christ who lives His life in me…I live by faith in the Son of God who loves me and gave up His life for me.”
Have questions? Want to contact us?
If you'd like to contact us, we'd love to hear from you.
You are welcome to give us a call or fill out our parish office contact form. Both can we accessed through the Contact Our Office button below.
You are welcome to give us a call or fill out our parish office contact form. Both can we accessed through the Contact Our Office button below.