‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.’
Matthew 25:40
Do you appreciate a good meal? Most everyone does! That's why we get together on the last Thursday of the month to prepare about 200 Pasta meals, box them up, and take them to the homeless Downtown.

Do you want to serve the homeless?
Join us every last Thursday of the month.*
*Unless otherwise notified of a date change.
Parish Hall @ 6:00PM
We begin preparing pasta meals in the parish hall at 6:00PM. By 7:30PM we carpool Downtown to pass them out. You can come along or head home.
Downtown San Diego @ 7:45PM
We hand out the meals near the St. Vincent de Paul Homeless Shelter & Commercial St. trolly station. Specific locations subject to change, based on where the crowds are. Meet us at the parish hall to join the carpool.
Lend a helping hand. Heal Hearts.
Homeless Ministry Email & Text Updates
If you're interested in staying up to date on the latest from the St. Vincent Homeless Ministry, please feel free to get connected below. By signing up you will receive emails with updates and reminders on our meetings and other upcoming events. We hope to see you (and a friend) in the parish hall during our next meal prep!
How do I volunteer?
Just show up at the parish hall at 6:00PM on the last Thursday of the month. We'll prep and train you. Then put you to work. (Bringing a friend is not required. But it sure makes things more fun.)
Do I have to stay until the end?
No, you don't have to stay until the end. You can leave at any time. You can also volunteer to prepare meals only. The choice is yours. Your help—in any capacity—is welcome and appreciated.
Is there an age requirement?
Volunteers must be 18 years of age or older. Minors MUST be accompanied by their parent or guardian.
Community service hours: Ministry leads can sign paperwork for student community service hours.
Community service hours: Ministry leads can sign paperwork for student community service hours.
I'm unavailable Thursday nights. What else can I do to help?
If you can't make it, we welcome SAME DAY donations of socks, blankets, shoes, clothing (men's and women's sizes); toiletries; travel-size snacks (e.g. granola bars, bagged chips). We do not have room to store items. You can also make a monetary donation. See below.
I don't have experience or training, is that okay?
Yes, that is okay. We all started somewhere. We'll help you learn the ropes of our program and local kitchen preparation guidelines—gloves, hairnet/hair coverings, masks—to ensure all are being safe.
Do you take donations?
Yes! We take monetary donations. Your generous donations can be made payable to Operation Healing Fields (drop at Church Office during business hours). OHF can provide a receipt upon request. We also take SAME DAY food, clothing, and toiletry donations as listed above. We do not have room to store items.

Do you have any questions?
We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.
photos by Sam @happinessphotographer8