Resources: Evangelization, Service & Connection Part 1

Resources From Class 5/07/24
Evangelization, Service and Connection Part 1

Here's What We Did in Class:

  1. We watched the below video from ALPHA on how and why we should share the gospel--very motivating--check it out!
  2. Then, guest speakers, Aaron and Will presented two incredible opportunities to serve and evangelize --- ministries of St. Vincent's-- Alpha and Kingdom Builders.
  3. Alpha is running from July 11 - the end of August with a retreat day to culminate the expereince.  To find out more about it click here.  Alpha is an exceptional, international program that meets people where they are and presents the Gospel in a relational ministry setting that leads many to receive Jesus as their Savior and Lord. It consists of a meal, an Alpha video and table talk. We need helpers, table leaders, hospitality and participants who bring friends!  Email Aaron for more information @
  4. Kingdom Builders runs throughout the year with various outreach missions to Fashion Valley Mall, La Jolla Shores, and other places.  Get on the email list to be a part whenever you can.  There may also be a training coming up to learn how to do street evangelism. Please sign up for the Kingdom Builders Email List here -- this way you will get the updates and can step out at various times when you are feeling up for it!
Here's the Documentary Will mentioned: Incredibly inspiring about healing and evangelization in the Catholic Church -- strong recommendation!
Song of the Week: "Every Nation" Circuit Riders

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