Resources: Evangelization, Service & Connection Part 2

Resources From Class 5/14/24
Evangelization, Service and Connection Part 2

Here's What We Did in Class:

  1. We watched the first ten minutes, and as well as the section Will referred to last week, of the Fearless Documentary...strong recommendation to watch the entire thing at home and be inspired to get out there and do Kingdom things!  Alpha and Kingdom Builders are definitely still open and in need of volunteers! Email me if you are interested in getting in contact with either of them!
Then we heard from the following Ministries (if you are interested in learning more or getting involved, you can email the person mentioned beside each one):

1. Homeless Outreach: (Last Thursday of every month -- prepare food and deliver it downtown)
2. Eucharistic Minister and/or Homebound (Daily and Weekend Masses, as well as the option to go to people's homes who can't make it to Mass and take them the Eucharist):
3. Lectors (Reading at Mass, daily and weekend):
4. Music Ministry/Choir (Meets Thursday evenings--all instruments and voices welcome):
5.  Sacristan and/or Altar Servers (Contact
6. Pro-Life Ministry: Contact me if you are interested in being a part or being part of leadership
7.  House Blessings:  If you would like to get your house blessed by some of our lifeteams, contact me and I'll forward your email to the appropriate parties (

We closed with a small group bible Study on 1 Thes 2: 8-12, looking at the way Paul ministered to people, to help us understand the attitude we can take as ambassadors of Jesus' love and serving with our lives as Jesus did. 
Song of the Week: "The Summons" Great Hymn with lyrics as if Jesus is inviting you to serve...great meditation!

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