Goal 1

Prayer Time: Keep working on getting up to at least 15 minutes of quality, set-aside, prayer time with God each day and/or increase your already 15 min by 5 or 10min per day (set a timer and really stick with it!)
  • In your prayer time, Ask the Lord:
    “Lord, how do You want me to view the Bible's relationship to my life?"
    Then, listen and write what you believe you heard him say?
  • Keep trying to start  your prayer time with ACTS prayer (click for explanation and examples).

Goal 2

Bible Reading: Incorporate at least 5 sentences from the Bible in your prayer time...perhaps go all out and use one of the following resources to guide your reading choices:
  • Pick a Gospel, start at the beginning and read a couple paragraphs a day prayerfully
  • 30 Day Walk with Jesus
  • Try out the 40 Day Intensive Bible Challenge (feel free to just do one of the suggested readings per day)
  • Read the daily Mass readings or just the Gospel of the day.  You can find them on the USCCB website.  Avoid the temptation to read online, though--force yourself to open the Book, search for the passage and read within the pages of the Bible

Reminder: You can find a variety of Catholic Bibles at the Our Lady of the Rosary Gift Shop in Little Italy or just google/amazon "Catholic Bible"
Some recommendations if you want a Bible with some extra inserts/learning opportunities:
Catholic Answers Bible
Great Adventure Study Bible

Goal 3

Pick ONE supplemental resource from the RESOURCES Page from this week to watch or listen to!

Download The Ascension App or Hallow --found on the new GENERAL DIP RESOURCE PAGE

Practice looking up Scripture and reading one a day using these verses:
Psalm 68: 6              John 14: 9-11             Luke 11: 13      Peter 1: 3              Romans 8: 15
Isaiah 64: 81          Malachi 2: 10            Psalm 103:13       Isaiah 63: 16
Passages about Jesus' Baptism
Mark 1: 1-11          John 1: 19-34

Click here to find resources & handouts from Class #3 (this past week)

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