You're never too young to be a disciple of Jesus
The heart of our mission to forming intentional disciples no matter their ages. Discipleship is a life-long process—from the cradle to the grave. That means kids and teens are also being called by Jesus to follow him. To encounter the Father. To be enlivened by the Holy Spirit. And be transformed by their love. We foster those relationships.
Please join us for our next gathering
April 6, 2025
All families are welcome and encouraged to come
Family Faith Formation Resources
Family Faith Formation Hub
Find many great recommendations for Videos, Programs and other great ways to bring the faith alive to your children, as well as Catholic parenting resources.
Monthly Resources
Access each month's Family Faith Formation at Home Curriculum, Resources & Assignments for parents and children.
Middle Schoolers
Youth Group for Middle Schoolers and Teens
Our youth group exists to equip our teens to walk in relationship with God that will last a life time! We work to lead youth into encounters with God’s presence that drive them to understand who He is, who they are and how to engage with the world around them through God's Holy Spirit.
Do you have a middle schooler interested in Youth Group opportunities?
High Schoolers
Self-Paced Confirmation Preparation

The St. Vincent’s Confirmation program explores in an in-depth and hands-on-way of what the gospel means when it says that the Kingdom of God is at hand...right there for us to take hold of. Jesus is alive and He wants to encounter you where you are and walk in relationship with you, as you allow the POWER of His Holy Spirit to dwell in you and transform you AND the world around you.
The Kingdom of God also means making Jesus the King of our hearts...of truly living, not a compartmentalized Catholic life, but an all-in life of discipleship--walking with Jesus minute by minute and doing the things that He did while He was on earth.
The high school Confirmation Program at St. Vincent’s is designed to be an experience that will help each participant not only prepare to receive the sacrament of Confirmation, but also to develop and deepen his or her relationship with the living God, and live-out life-long discipleship of Jesus Christ, as an active member of the Catholic Church.
Are you and your teen ready?
Through the Holy Spirit they are about to become the best version of themselves!
Do you have questions about our kids and teens programs?
Contact us. Fill out the form below to get started.