2024-2025 year

O.C.I.A Series Content

Great Commission Bootcamp Series - To Come

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is OCIA for?
Short answer: Anyone who wants to get closer to God and/or help others get closer to God!
This includes:
-Life-long Catholics
-Those who are interested in learning more about Jesus and the Catholic faith
-Those who want to explore becoming Catholic (what has in the past been referred to as RCIA or Rite of Christian Intiation for Adults, now OCIA -- Order of Christian Initiation for Adults).
-Young Adults, Adults, and Seasoned adults -- 18 (and out of high school)-120 years of age (ok, you can come even if you're 121😉)
What if I've already done DIP/RCIA (Previous Names St. Vincent's has called the OCIA)?
No problem! This is STILL the place for you.  Some of the content may look familiar, but we also change a lot each year and flow with the Holy Spirit.  There's nothing better you can do for your walk with God then to keep reiterating the truth, being immersed in fellowship and inspiration to walk well with Jesus! This is STILL the place for you...and most likely for you to bring a friend or two to lead as they make their first go-around this year!
Why should I do OCIA if I grew up Catholic?
Most people who grew up Catholic and walk through the Discipleship Immersion Process with OCIA come away saying: “I can’t believe I never knew that? Why did no one teach me this?” They say this about the Bible, about hearing God’s voice, about Church teaching.  There has been a noticeable lack in true faith formation in the Catholic Church for the past 50 or so years (there are pockets where the teaching was great, but those seem to be the minority)--OCIA fills in the blanks with the true teaching of the Catholic Church–the whys behind the whats–and more importantly, the how-tos regarding cultivating a dynamic, living relationship with Jesus.
What If I’m Already there? In a deep relationship with God and knowledgeable about Church teaching?
OCIA is still for you!  The process involves encounters, prayer time, and you will also have a chance to share your love for God with others in small group.  The homework will keep you accountable to a growing prayer life, and put right in front of you the need to share your faith with others–with plenty of motivation and opportunity to do so!
Why should I do OCIA if I am not Catholic?
If you are not Catholic, but looking into becoming Catholic, or know that you definitely want to become Catholic this is definitely the place for you! You also don't need to want to become Catholic, you can just join to explore with us what it means to walk as a Catholic-Christian disciple of Jesus, enjoy the fellowship and learn more—no commitment or intent to become Catholic necessary—explorers and seekers WELCOME!! However, those who do choose to become Catholic will have done through by attending these same sessions.  Contact Peggy Tacchino (619-299-3880 ext. 129 or peggy@vincentcatholic.org) if you are interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church -- you can share your journey, ask your questions, and hear more about the way that OCIA works.
Do I have to attend every Tuesday night?
It's highly recommended that you do, as the series build on each other, and each Tuesday in the series builds on the previous one, however, we know that for various reasons, people won't find OCIA til later on, or their schedules won't permit an every Tuesday commitment—in that case we still encourage you to come when you can!
Should I register for OCIA even if I can't make it all the time?
Yes!! Please do.  This way we get you on the email list and we can also know how to arrange small groups.  Registration will ask if you intend to be there regularly.  Here’s the Link to register.
How do I get a Disciple-Mentor?
Just let us know you want one on the registration and we'll do our best to partner you with one of our core team members or other parishioners who have been trained in one-on-one discipling.  These kind of relationships are invaluable to the Christian life, and you and your disciple mentor can set up your own hour long meetings once, or twice a month, depending on your desire and availability.  These meetings will help you to be accountable in your spiritual journey and inspired.  It's a place to grow in focused friendship in the Lord, and to walk together into deeper, intentional discipleship.  (Oh! And it's FREE! Obviously....or not. We know there are many coaching programs out there nowadays that cost money, so just letting you know this is not one of them—it's absolutely free and just a great option for those seeking help along the Christian journey).
What is the first series of OCIA and when does it start?
The Gospel -- More than You Think.  Tuesday, September 3th 2024.  Fr. Alex will lead us through a teaching on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Gospel of the Kingdom of God, like you've never heard before.  Come explore for yourself the fullness of life in Jesus Christ (it is beyond all you may have imagined it to be, we promise!) and how to share that with others!
Where can I find the calendar for the 2024-2025 OCIA year?
Right here.
If I am becoming Catholic does my godparent/sponsor need to be the same person as my disciple mentor?
No, but they could be—it's up to you to choose someone as your official godparent or sponsor.  If you'd like to walk with someone that we choose for you as a disciple mentor and make them your sponsor, that's a great option!  See requirements below.
What are the requirements for someone to be my godparent for baptism or sponsor for confirmation?
A godparent/sponsor is someone who is willing to pray for and with the candidate, to be a role-model in the faith, and to journey with the candidate as they live out their life with Jesus and the Catholic Church.
In order to be considered for the role of Sponsor a person must (as stated in the diocesan handbook policy 314):
-be at least 16 years of age and sufficiently mature for this responsibility;
-be a Catholic who has been confirmed, has already received first Eucharist and is leading a life in harmony with the faith and the role to be undertaken;
-NOT be a parent of the candidate; and
-not be prohibited by law from exercising the role of sponsor.
[See Canon 893 with reference to Canon 874; Rite of Confirmation, 6]

Registration Forms

Do you want to become a member of the Catholic Church? Or see what we're about?
Register for OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) with us.

Do you have questions about our Discipleship Immersion Process or OCIA? Or just want to introduce yourself?

Our  D.I.P. team would love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.

DIP Calendar