DHW January 9, 2024

Goal 1
Use this form to take the John 15 Challenge. Pray with the Holy Spirit and ask Him how He wants you to commit to a deeper quality prayer time than you currently have. Write your commitment down and tell a friend about it.
Goal 2
Choose one of the extra resources on prayer from the Resources Page (Linked below) to watch. Journal with God about it. For instance, you could write in letter form to God and/or do a back and forth convo (like Deacon Kevin mentioned--ask the Holy Spirit to write through you what God might say to you).
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the video from Fr. Mike. As I watched, it really struck me that.....I think that You are saying......How can I implement this in my own life? .....I don't feel adequate, please help me....I want to commit to You and I want to grow, I trust that Your promise is true--if I ask I will receive, so I'm asking....
Dear Jesus,
Thank You for the video from Fr. Mike. As I watched, it really struck me that.....I think that You are saying......How can I implement this in my own life? .....I don't feel adequate, please help me....I want to commit to You and I want to grow, I trust that Your promise is true--if I ask I will receive, so I'm asking....
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Posted in Prayer Series