Hard Sayings of Jesus Part 2 - Discipleship Homework

DHW March 12, 2024

Goal 1

Meditate on these Passages from the Word of God that have to do with life during your prayer time this week:
Psalm 146:1-10
Psalm 103: 6-7
Psalm 146: 6- The Lord gives justice and liberty
Proverbs 31: 8-9
Deuteronomy 30: 15-20
Psalm 139
Luke 1: 26-38
Luke 1: 39-56

Goal 2

Dialogue with God about His heart for life and the people He creates; ask Him how He wants you to advocate for life.  Journal your answers.  You can ask questions like:

Jesus, how do You feel about the state of the world in regards to abortion?

Holy Spirit, tell me more about why euthanasia should not be legal?

Father, how do You want me to be a voice for the voiceless, who are you calling me to talk to about this issue or how are You wanting me to become more informed on this issue so I can best help others and influence society with Your teaching?

Holy Spirit, is there anyone in my life who has been affected by abortion that I can pray for or minister to? Do You want to heal me from any wounds associated with abortion or euthanasia? What are my next steps?

Goal 3 (Repeted from Last Week...cause God is a God of second (and 3rd and 4th...etc.) chances:-)

If you haven't yet....Re-watch and pray through the examination of conscience with Fr. Mark Mary, or read and pray through this one you received in class.  Make a commitment to God (with a smart goal of date and time and preparation in prayer) to go and make the best confession of your life before Easter (this is necessary and required for all candidates who will receive sacraments at Easter Vigil, but recommended for all).  Also, make a commitment to Jesus for a regular cadence of Confession in your life....talk with the Holy Spirit about it, but a good recommendation is once every 2 - 6 weeks.  Also pray about going to a regular confessor that can get to know you and give you counsel to truly repent and help you in the process of leaving sinful habits behind and creating virtue.

Reminder: Confession once per year is the required minimum from the Precepts of the Church, but more is recommended.  And of course, it is necessary to go to Confession before receiving Communion whenever you commit mortal sin, so also consider intentionally committing to/planning on going to Confession right away should you commit mortal sin.  

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