DIP Holy Week Mini Retreat

Resources From Class 3/26/24
Holy Week Review and Mini Retreat

We spent this night looking at Holy Week and the Triduum and seeking to access it with our hearts, to really feel what it would have been like to be a disciple at the time Jesus gave His life for us. 

In order to set the tone, we watched the following clip from The Chosen. 
This is not a scene from the time of Jesus' Passion, it is earlier on in his ministry--the healing of Jairus' daughter.  This short clip, however helped illustrate and draw us into the story of Jesus' growing ministry and the tension between Jesus and the religious leaders of the time.  The Chosen does an excellent job of showing the results of true prayerful reading of the Bible and using our imagination to enter in and experience, as if we were there, these true stories recorded in the Gospels.  The goal of this clip and all the rest we do is to encounter Jesus with our heart as we actively meditate on His life, and then later on His Passion and Death. 
Next We had Small Group Bible Study on various passages from the lead up to Jesus being crucified with the goal of really hearing His heart.  Each small group presented to the large group:

Group 1: John 12: 20-36 (after His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, when things start to take a turn for the worst as far as people turning against Him)

Group 2: John 13: 1-20 (During the Last Supper–washing of the feet)

Group 3: Luke 22: 14-23 (Last Supper and betrayal foretold)

Group 4: Mark 14: 32-42 (Agony in the Garden)

Group 5: Matthew 26: 47-56 (The Betrayal and Arrest of Jesus)

*As mentioned after discussion, there are So many different angles and details in the various stories--it's great to read them all to get the full scope (This will be part of your discipleship homework)
Up in the Church we watched the beautiful 3.5 minute video above (recommend re-watching and sending this to friends as a little "gift text" on Good Friday --it's powerfully moving and a great way to evangelize especially people who might not be actively engaging the faith, but to get a text that says "Happy Good Friday --just wanted to pass on this really beautiful 3 min art piece that moved me a lot!" or something to that effect

We then listened to the following Scriptures Read Aloud about Jesus' death on the cross as we prayed in front of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament:
Matthew 27: 33-46
Psalm 22 (What Jesus was quoting when He said
"My God, my God, why have You forsaken me...")
John 19: 23-42

All were invited to enter into prayer time and ask Jesus questions:
Jesus, why did You die for me?
Jesus, what were you thinking as You endured Your passion?
Respond with gratitude or however your heart is moved.

Additional Related Resources

Song of the Week: "Run to the Cross" by Sarah Kroger -- beautiful song about the cross by Catholic artist, Sarah Kroger

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