Resources: Evangelization, Service & Connection Part 3

Resources From Class 5/21/24
Evangelization, Service and Connection Part 3

Here's What We Did in Class:
We heard from some more wonderful ministries and had small group time to pray and process how we plan to get more involved
If you are interested in learning more or getting involved, you can click the links below to get on the flocknote specific email for each.  Knights of Columbus is the exception--sign up on their website and the knight rep from San Diego who spoke last night will call you.
1. Knights of Columbus: Contact person from our parish: Ron Sheehan
2. Women's Ministry: Get updates about women's breakfasts and other fellowship and faith-building opportunities that are just for the ladies! Contact Person: Yvette Helfers
3. Mens's Ministry: Get notifications about Men's breakfast and other fellowship and faith-growth opportunities just for the guys! Contact Person: Deacon Kevin Helfers
4. Community Builders: Sign up for emails for opportunities to serve in fellowship event planning and hospitality.  
5. St. Vincent's Intercessors: Sign up for emails for Monthly novena prayer campaigns & in-person  opportunities to intercede for our community and the world around us. Contact Person: Marianna Armstrong
6. DIP Core Team: Contact Peggy
Song of the Week: "The Servant Song" Great Hymn with lyrics about serving others and loving like Jesus

Do you want to support our work to make disciples of Jesus?