The Gospel: Different Than You Think - Part 2


The Gospel: Different Than You Think - Part 2 - 9-10-24

Click below to listen to the audio recording of Fr. Alex's teaching -- Part 2 of the Gospel series.  Includes some great Q & A at the end! 

Suggested Discipleship Work For the Week

  • Scripture Reading and Daily Prayer Time Suggestion:
    • If you are used to not having a quality prayer time with Jesus set up daily, a good starter increment is to set a timer for 10 or 15 minutes, all distractions set aside, in a quiet place where you can talk and listen to God (again we'll give more on this in October).  For now, you might try starting with praising and thanking God for ten things.  
  • Then moving on to reading the scriptures (even if you just google them) and asking "Holy Spirit, what do you want me to know about what You are saying here in Your word."  Then, read a few times slowly, chew on it, ask more questions when something doesn't make sense--just say "Holy Spirit, can you please explain."  Write down the insights you are shown.  Often it may just feel like our own thoughts, but truly, when we are seeking the Lord for answers, and turning our attention to Him, He is faithful to His promise that if we ask, we'll receive, and if we seek we will find (see Matthew 7:7).
  • Scriptures for Week 2:
    • Isaiah 40: 1-11
    • John 1: 1-18
    • John 3: 16-21
    • Isaiah 61: 1-7
    • Luke 4: 1-21
    • Romans 8: 14-25
    • Revelation 21 - 22 (all verses in both chapters)

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