The Gospel: Different Than You Think - Part 4


The Gospel: Different Than You Think - Part 4 - 9-24-24

Click below to listen to the audio recording from last night's teaching from Peggy.  
It is also highly recommended to read Fr. Alex's paper linked below as a PDF.

Suggested Discipleship Work For the Week

1) Now that you've heard what the Good News is for the past four weeks (even if it's for the 100th time in your life, treat it as if it's the first), why not write a letter to Jesus in response. 

Here's a suggested structure:

Dear Jesus,
I hear that you are inviting me into a (deeper) relationship..... I heard that (insert what you learned the Gospel to be and how it was different than you thought)....I still have questions (enumerate the things you are doubting, confused about, frustrated with the demand of, etc.) I (do/do not) hear you calling me personally, (but) I want to respond.....(Ask Him to talk more clearly, to lead you, even if you aren't sure He is there, or to give you strength to take hold of and fully surrender to the invitation to follow Him that you are convinced He is holding out -- admit your inadequacy and put your trust in His great ability to do what is impossible for us to do for ourselves -- accept His free gift of new life and the strength of His Spirit He freely gives in order to make it real in your life).  

Ask the Holy Spirit to respond to your letter and write what you think He might say....

Dear (Name),
.......Write whatever comes to your mind after praying.  If you are setting your heart on Jesus and thinking like Him, the imagined letter will be filled with love and encouragement that will at least give you a taste of what God might want to say to you and put you in a position to hear His voice and have back and forth conversations with Him every day.

2) Prayerfully read through some of the Scriptures -- one a day perhaps -- from the Mission History, or from the outline with scriptures (PDFs linked above