October Family Faith Formation @ Home Plan

October Family Faith Formation @ Home Plan

Bible Verse for Memorization

Practice daily the Bible verse as a family --perhaps read it before dinner with your dinner prayer.  Slowly try to memorize it and make it a fun game.  We will start our November gathering giving prizes to anyone who was able to memorize the Bible verse!:-)

John 3: 16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life. "

First Communion Prep

Please Note: your regular Catechist for First Communion, Ms. Claudia was out sick on Sunday -- the welcome letter and materials are from her to the parents.  You can incorporate these worksheets at various points in the week and bring in next time.  Ms. Claudia is an amazing retired teacher with a great love for the Lord, she was sad to miss the first day of class, but excited to meet everyone next time! 
The First Communion Prep Videos (which can be great for the whole family to watch along with) can be found here: https://www.dynamiccatholic.com/plus/blessed-seasons.html

In class we watched:
Season 7 Episodes 1 and 2
Rewatch these some time this week with your children and implement the blessings prayer at the dinner table or before bed.  Have each person say "Thank You, God for..." three different blessings from the day that they are grateful for.  

Sunday, Oct 13th at Home watch:
SEASON 3**(the ones in class were from season 7, but at home we are going to go back and watch on our theme--the Gospel message, so Season 3 will be for the 3 weeks apart): Season 3 Episodes 1 and 2

Sunday, October 20th Watch
Season 3 Episodes 3 and 4

Sunday, October 27th Watch

Season 3 Episodes 5, 6, and 7

Even though these videos are specific for the First Communion Prep, the other children will probably enjoy them as well.  You can ask the ones who are able to write down 3 key words.  After each video ask some questions from the video for comprehension.  Ask 

Whole Family Activities

Pray the "Our Father" together every night.  After each line, you can ask "Jesus, what does this mean, tell me more about it?" Take a minute to listen (trusting that God wants to speak to us, and it will often come in what feels like a thought)...ask the kids especially the answers they heard to the questions.  For those who don't yet have it memorized, help them memorize it little by little and perhaps give a special prize for when they accomplish having the prayer memorized.

Incorporate a time to pray together as a family each night:
1) Start with the sign of the cross
2) Read the Bible verse for memorization a few times
3) Discuss the Bible verse-- what does it mean that God loves us?  How do you know God loves you?  Who is God the Father's Only Begotten Son? (Jesus)
4) Go around in a circle and thank God for 3 things each.  Go back around and say sorry for one thing each.  One more time to ask Him for your needs.
5) Close with a hail Mary, inviting Mary to pray with you for these things.  
6) End with the Sign of the Cross. 

Make sure you Sign Up for your FREE Formed.org -- Subscription

1) Go to www.formed.org

2) Click "Formed For Parishes" on the front middle of the homepage

3) Click "Find your Parish Subscription"

4) Enter zip code 92103 and click St. Vincent when it pops up

5) Enter your name and email and then respond to the email they send you

6) You should be all set after this (your computer will remember you).  Should you get kicked out in the future you just click "sign in" and put your email in again and you're good to go!

In the search bar search for kids and find a plethora of great Catholic kids shows for all ages.  Search for ydisciple or teens for other programs for teens.  For adult faith formation content, just search the subject like "Eucharist" "prayer" etc. that you are interested in.

For the Parents for October 

Recommended Adult Faith Formation videos for October  -- The Search on Formed.org.  Remember the link in the button below will only work if you already have and are signed into your free formed.org account (see instructions above to create one.  You watched 10 minutes of episode 4 on Sunday.  There are a total of 7 episodes, about a half hour each.  
Check out some of the general resources for parents on prayer, the Bible, Catholic parenting and more on the General Resource Page for Family Faith Formation

For Preschoolers and Toddlers for October

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