Prayer Bootcamp General Resources

Prayer Bootcamp Resources & Discipleship Homework!


If you don't already have one, please get yourself a nice Catholic Bible of your choice by our next meeting (and bring to all of our upcoming Tuesday gatherings).  There is a difference in the Old Testament books between Catholic and Protestant Bibles (we will explain this next week), so it is important to specifically search for a Catholic one.  Our Lady of the Rosary in Little Italy has a Catholic Book store where you can check out a variety of Catholic Bibles.  You can also go to any bookstore or order online.  Here are a few suggested ones with links to buy online:

The Great Adventure Bible
Catholic Answers Bible
Catholic Bible/journal combo with larger print
Catholic Bible without any extras or inserts --only 6.99

OR if you need a Bible and can't afford one, we will definitely give you one -- just let Peggy know:-)
Type your new text here.

THIS WEEK 10-08-24: Add the Adoration Part of Acts prayer to start your prayer time and continue with (or start anew) your John15 daily prayer challenge!

Have You Committed to the John 15 Challenge Yet?  ...There's no time like today! Try it for this week and share with your small group next week how it went! 

Remember in your 15 minutes of quality time with Jesus (or more if you are already at more than 15) it is key to include some Scripture reading.  

Here are two options below:
The Thirty Day Walk with Jesus will give you one short passage a day to read, meditate on, do lectio divina with --  it will take you from Jesus' conception to His ascension and give you a sampling of His life, ministry, Passion, death and Resurrection.  It's meant to be ONLY one reading per day and to really chew on these scenes, picture.
The 30 Day Advanced Bible Challenge is a more intensive Bible reading plan (this one would be for people who are committing to at least 30 minutes of quality time with Jesus a day (an hour is probably even better)) -- this one gives you one psalm, one gospel reading and one related new testament letter passage. 
Don't let prayer become "just as important as cleaning your toilet" Fr. Mike says.  8 minutes of some pretty great keys to help you cultivate a consistent prayer life!

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