Prayer Bootcamp Week 3

Prayer Bootcamp Week 3

What we did in the session this week:

We started the night with an explanation and demonstration of ACTS prayer.  

*You are encouraged to try the ACTS prayer method to start off your prayer time. 
After small group, Deacon Kevin led us in a beautiful meditation (another way you might try having that close, intimate conversation with God our Father (prayer chair model), and then in a journaling exercise (see below for some questions to use when journaling this week).  Lastly, at you will hear Shane's beautiful testimony of his journey into an incredible relationship with Jesus and His Catholic Church (thank you, Shane!!)--it starts at 30:00!

THIS WEEK'S BOOTCAMP CHALLENGE: Add journaling to your quality time with God.  Be more intentional about your 15 min commitment and/or up your prayer time by 15 minutes for this coming week!

Various Journaling with God methods:

1) Just put "Dear Jesus" and the date at the top and then talk to Him...pour out your heart, your praises, your sorrows, your thanksgiving, your disappointments, your questions, your account of the day or of a specific problem you've been worrying about....whatever you would say outloud/in your head if you were talking to God as Friend or Father -- writing it down can be a powerful way of getting it out, and can sometimes give greater momentum in truly praying and talking to God about EVERYTHING.  Then, either in the middle of your letting it all out to God, ask Him what He thinks and try doing what we did last night  and journaling His answers back to you.

2) Read a Scripture passage and then ask Holy Spirit what He wants to highlight to you.  Have a conversation--ask what it means, follow up questions, ask how He wants you to apply it to your life.  
  • After this conversation, write down the verse or two He highlighted in a journal
  • Add what stuck out to you--the revelation He gave.  
  • You can even write out the scripture artistically --almost like a picture with words--making some words bigger or smaller, underlined and really highlighting the Scripture and then in the margins write out the insights the Lord showed you, or your responses to Him.
  • Example below (if you can read my horrible handwriting:-)
3) Each day just have a goal of writing "Dear Lord, thank You for..." and then listing ten things. Followed by "Dear Jesus, please help me with..." and then listing 5 things....the numbers aren't important--you choose, but if you work well with routines and goals they may help as SMART goals to help you be consistent.  Once your consistent in this conversation method with God, you can expand to make it look more like model #1

4) Take a Psalm from the Book of Psalms and write it out or type it.  Then, use it as a model to write your own Psalm.  There are many psalms where David or the other writer is frustrated or wounded at a situation, where he complains to God or cries out, but will usually turn around by the end of it to praise God still.  Other times, he starts with praise and continues with praise.  There's a lot to be done!

5) The journaling model Deacon Kevin presented last night--asking questions to God, and asking the Holy Spirit to inspire you in writing with the answers He wants to give -- go with first thing that comes to mind.  Even if at first it is 90% you talking/imagining what God would say, it is still super valuable and we can trust that when we ask we will receive --He wants to speak to us -- so when that is our intention and our hearts are fixed on Jesus --He will make it work!  Here's some conversation prompts...
  • Jesus, how do You see me right now?
  • Father, how do You want me to see myself right now?
  • Lord, what is my purpose?
  • Jesus, when I stand before You at the end of my life what will matter to me and to You about how I lived it? How will I be judged? What must I do to be saved? 
  • Holy Spirit, what is it You want to say about my relationship with You?
  • Father, is there a change You want me to make in my life? (or ask about a certain specific situation)
  • Jesus, is there someone You want me to reach out to and offer Your love this week/today?  How should I go about this? 
  • Holy Spirit, I'm having trouble understanding (insert Church teaching, Bible passage, life situation, etc.), can You please show me this from Your perspective? What should I do next? 

Songs of the Week:  "My Soul Waits" Bethany Bernard ... a song inspired by the psalms....

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