Adopt a Catechumen or Candidate

RCIA Rites and Other Special DIP Dates!

OCIA is St. Vincent's Discipleship Immersion Process for any and all adults who want to grow in relationship with God, including those who are discerning to become Catholic.  OCIA meets on Tuesdays 6:30-8:00PM in the parish hall and all are welcome.

While the regular OCIA family has been getting to know the stories of our catechumens (now, elect) and candidates, and creating community since September, we want to give a chance to the broader parish community to play a role in equipping these souls who are eagerly seeking more of God in their lives and headed toward reception of the sacraments and full communion with the catholic Church at Easter Vigil.

One you can do this is by "adopting" one of the candidates or elect and promising to pray for them daily.  Let them know that you are praying for them, and perhaps send them a note of encouragement or a written prayer from time to time as we near Easter.  We also need people to help contribute to a gift we want to make to give each of them at Easter -- we need those who can shop, those who can create and also funds to make it happen.  If you are able to participate in any of those ways or just want more information, please click here and sign up for emails about "adopting" one of our wonderful new parishioners who are on this journey of deepening conversion. 
Pictures From the Rite of Election on March 8, 2025

OCIA TERMS -- Defined.

OCIA (formerly known as RCIA) stands for: Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (formerly "Rite of Christian Inititation for Adults).

OCIC (Formerly known as RCIC) stands for Order of Christian Initiation for Children

The OCIA process involves the following stages, defined below, with the rites associated listed underneath

1) Period of Evangelization and Precatechumenate
  • "Although the rigte of initiation begins with admission to the catechumenate, the preceding period of precatechumenate is of great importance and as a rule should not be omitted.  It is a time for evangelization: faithfully and constantly the living God is proclaimed and Jesus Christ whom he has ent or the savlation of all."
  • There are no official rites.  The process does begin in the fall at St. Vincent's with specific classes preached on the Gospel with the intent to evangelize and share the good news of Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God.
  • "From evangelization, completed with the help of God, come the faith and initial conversation that cause a person to feel called away from sin and drawn into the myster y of God's love.  The whole period of pre-catechumenate is stet aside for this evangelization, sto that he genuine will to follow Christ and seek baptism may mature."
2) Acceptance into the Order of Catechumens
  • Rite of Acceptance (Usually takes place the first Sunday of Advent) 
  • This is the liturgical rite, usually celebrated on some annual date or dates, marking the beginning of the catechumenate proper, as the candidates express and the Church accepts their intention to respond to God's call to follow the way of Christ.

3) Period of the Catechumenate
  • This is the time...for the nurturing and growth of the catechumens' faith and converstion to god' celebrations of the word and prayers of exorcism and blessing are meant to assist the process.

4) Election or Enrollment of Names (Rite of Election)
  • This is the liturgical rite, usually celebrated on the First Sunday of Lent by which the Church formally ratifies the catechumens' readiness for the sacraments of initiation and the catechumens, now the elect, express the will to receive the sacraments.
5) Period of Purification and Enlightenment
  • This is the time immediately preceding the elects' initiation, uuslaly the Lenten season preceding the celebration of thsi initaiton at the Easter Vigil, it is a time of relection, intensely centered on conversion, marked by celebration of the scrutinies and presentations and of the preparation rites on Holy Saturday.
6) Celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation
  • This is the liturgical rite, usually integrated into the Easter Vigil, by which the elect are initiated through baptism, confirmation and the Eucharist.
7) Period of Postbaptismal Catechesis or Mystagogy
  • This is the time, usually the Easter season, following the celebration of initiation, during which the newly initiated experience being fully a part of hte Christian community by means of pertinent catechesis and partcularly by participation with tall the faithful in Sunday Eucharistic celebration 

Catechumen: Someone who is not yet baptized, but would like to be baptized and receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist (Communion))

Candidate:  Someone who has been validly baptized in the Christian faith already and is seeking full communion in the Catholic Church through the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. OR someone who has been baptized Catholic and has not yet received either First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation.

Elect: Someone who went through the period of evangelization and catechumenate and has now publicly declared their desire for baptism, and the Church has publicly declared ready to receive baptism at the Easter Vigil Mass. 

Neophyte: Someone newly baptized

Rite of Acceptance: This is the rite where those who were in the period of inquiryWho is this for? All catechumens (those seeking baptism) and candidates (those receiving Confirmation, Eucharist and/or making a profession of faith (who are already validly baptized).

Rite of Election - Sunday, February 18, 2024 8:30AM Mass.  For Catechumens and their sponsors: please arrive 15 minutes early and meet by the angel statues for a quick rehearsal

Scrutinies: The Scrutinies are a series of rites in the Catholic Church that take place during Lent. They are a time of self-examination and repentance for those preparing to enter the Catholic Church
First Scrutiny - Third Sunday of Lent - at the 10:30AM Mass

Second Scrutiny -Fourth Sunday of Lent - at the 10:30AM Mass

Third Scrutiny -Fifth Sunday of Lent -- at the 10:30AM Mass

Holy Thursday - Mass of the Lord's Supper - Washing of the Feet - Thursday, April 17, 2025 6PM (Any elect and catechumens who would like their feet washed during the Mass have first priority (we need 12 participants). Please arrive by 5:30PM

Good Friday Service - Friday, April 18, 2025 - Not mandatory to attend but very good to participate if you are able.  This is a day of fasting (mandatory precept of the Church)

Easter Vigil Mass -- Holy Saturday--April 19, 2025 -The BIG Day - (Reception of all sacraments and professions of faith happen during this Mass--for candidates and the elect) - 8PM (Must arrive no later than 7PM for rehearsal run-through)
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