Sacraments Bootcamp Part 1 - Baptism

The Sacrament of Baptism

What we did in the session this week 12/10/24

Here is the audio from class last night -- Fr. Alex's teaching on the sacrament of baptism as well as the audio from the video he showed. 

Baptism Scriptures for Prayer this Week
(mentioned in Fr. Alex's talk and a few more)

Mark 16: 15-18

John 1: 11-13

John 3: 3-15

Acts 3: 37-38

Acts 9: 1-19

Acts 10: 34-49

Matthew 28: 16-20

*Some of these are very short--it's always great to go back and read the context

Songs of the Week: Riverside by Ike Ndolo (Catholic Christian artist)

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