Posts with the category “sacraments-series”

Sacraments Bootcamp Part 3 - The Eucharist
by Peggy Tacchino on January 8th, 2025
Here is the audio from class last night -- apologies for the late start and the continuous audio through the first small group (you can forward those parts). John 6: 22-70 (break this up over a few days or re-read & pray with the entire thing for at least 3 days in a row)St. Paul's writing on the Eucharist (the oldest writings on the Eucharist)1 Corinthians 11: 23-31Last Supper AccountsMatthew 26:...  Read More
Sacraments Bootcamp Part 2 - Baptism Cont. & Confirmation
by Peggy Tacchino on December 18th, 2024
Here is the audio from class last night -- Fr. Alex's teaching on the sacrament of Confirmation and Baptism continued from last week 1 Corinthians 4: 1Jeremiah 31:31Isaiah 61: 8-9Luke 24: 49Acts 1: 8Acts 19: 1-4Colossians 1:13Acts 8: 36Matthew 28: 16-20*Some of these are very short--it's always great to go back and read the context...  Read More
Sacraments Bootcamp Part 1 - Baptism
by Peggy Tacchino on December 11th, 2024
Here is the audio from class last night -- Fr. Alex's teaching on the sacrament of baptism as well as the audio from the video he showed.  Mark 16: 15-18John 1: 11-13John 3: 3-15Acts 3: 37-38Acts 9: 1-19Acts 10: 34-49Matthew 28: 16-20*Some of these are very short--it's always great to go back and read the context...  Read More
DIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 4 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORK
by Peggy Tacchino on February 28th, 2024
During your Scripture Reading Time, try doing a lectio Divina (Prayerful reading, conversational with the Holy Spirit) about the following Scripture passages that have to do with Marriage and Holy Orders.  Do one a dayMark 10: 1-11John 2: 1-12Matthew 19: 1-12Luke 20: 27-40John 13: 1-20John 20: 19-231 Timothy 3: 1-161 Corinthians 7: 1-40 Ask the Holy Spirit questions about your vocation and journal...  Read More
DIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 4 RESOURCES
by Peggy Tacchino on February 28th, 2024
We started by re-capping the sacrament of Confession.  We did this examination of conscience together:  We had some question and answers, and small group time.  Then we watched the following Symbolon Video on the sacraments of Matrimony and Holy Orders.  As I mentioned in class, there are a ton of wonderful marriage enrichment resources out there, which I will put in the section below! Song of the...  Read More
DIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 3 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORK
by Peggy Tacchino on February 21st, 2024
During your Scripture Reading Time, try doing a lectio Divina (Prayerful reading, conversational with the Holy Spirit) about the following Scripture passages that have to do with Confession and the Eucharist.  Do one a dayBread of Life Discourse: John 6: 22-71First Writings on the Eucharist from Paul: 1 Corinthians 11: 23-31Last Supper Passages: Matthew 26: 26-30Mark 14: 22-26Luke 22: 14-20Road to...  Read More
DIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 3 RESOURCES
by Peggy Tacchino on February 21st, 2024
We started by reading John 6: 47-66, Part of the Bread of Life Discourse in Small Group, then we looked at the teaching on the Eucharist with this Slide Show (Note: we did not get to take a look at the part with the Early Church Fathers writing on the Eucharist--see the end of the slideshow for some AMAZING quotes --what they believed and understood the Mass and Eucharist to be as early as 90AD! W...  Read More
DIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 2 RESOURCES
by Peggy Tacchino on February 14th, 2024
We watched most of the below video and broke for small group conversation about it We also watched this short video from Fr. Mike Schmitz Extra video teachings below: Very insightful, new angles on baptism and confirmation -- 5 - 8 min.  Touches on many of the questions that were asked at the end of class with thorough answers!  Song of the Week: Riverside by Ike Ndolo --- great, joy-filled song a...  Read More
DIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 2 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORK
by Peggy Tacchino on February 14th, 2024
During your Scripture Reading Time, try doing a lectio Divina (Prayerful reading, conversational with the Holy Spirit) about the following Scripture passages that have to do with Baptism and Confirmation.  Do one a dayJohn 3: 1-21Matthew 28: 16-20 & Mark 16: 14-18Acts 2: 1-28Acts 2: 29-41Acts 8: 26-40Acts 9: 10-19 (baptism of St. Paul)Acts 10: 44-49And some bonus one-liners (though it's always gre...  Read More
DIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 1 RESOURCES
by Peggy Tacchino on February 7th, 2024
We started with some great glory stories from Tom, Jim, Michele and Deacon Kevin...take a listen. Then we watched all of this incredible Episode of The Search on (click below...will work as long as you have your free subscription all set up).  After asking the Holy Spirit a couple questions about the Church and our role in it, Peggy shared her testimony of why she is Catholic and not ju...  Read More
DIP The Catholic Church & the 7 Sacraments - Class 1 DISCIPLESHIP HOMEWORK
by Peggy Tacchino on February 7th, 2024
During your Scripture Reading Time, try doing a lectio Divina (Prayerful reading, conversational with the Holy Spirit) about the following passages that have to do with the Church.  Do a different one each day:Matthew 16: 13-192 Thessalonians 2: 151 Timothy 3: 14-161 Corinthians 12: 14-24Ephesians 1: 22-23Matthew 18:15-20 Try praying with the method Fr. Alex taught 2 weeks ago for 15 minutes each ...  Read More

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