Lenten Preparation - OCIA 3-4-25

Lenten Preparation

What we did in the session this week 03-04-25

Here's the audio from class including the video below.  In between, we had a small group bible study on Matthew 4: 1-11
This 6 Minute Video below from Dr. Brant Pitre is the one caught on the audio above, that we watched during class. 

Lenten Scriptures for Your Pray Time this Week

Joel 2: 12-18
Psalm 51
Matthew 6: 1-18
Deuteronomy 30: 15-20
Luke 9: 22-25
Luke 4: 1-13
Matthew 25: 31-46

Additional Resources About Ash Wednesday & to Strengthen Your Lent

The below video series is from Formed.org -- a Lenten healing retreat with Sr. Miriam.  Make sure you have your free formed.org subscription and are signed in. 

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