Changing Sides & The Scrutinies

Changing Sides -- From the Kingdom of Darkness to the Kingdom of Light

What we did in the session on 03-11-25

Here's the audio from class...
The following are very short (1 min each) videos we would have watched yesterday, had the projector been working....Dr. Mary Healy on the reality of the demonic kingdom of the authority we have over it in Jesus' MIGHTY name!

Scriptures to Pray with this Week

James 4: 7-8
John 12: 27-31
John 14: 29-31
Matthew 12: 28
John 18: 36
Luke 18: 20-21
Mark 1: 14-15
Colossians 1: 13
Colossians 3: 9-15
Galatians 5: 16-26
1 Thessalonians 5: 5
Ephesians 6: 10-20
1 John 1: 5-9

Scrutiny Gospels Passages
First Scrutiny: John 4: 5-42
Second Scrutiny: John 9: 1-41
Third Scrutiny: John 11: 1-43

Additional Resources About God's Kingdom Vs. The World/Satan's Kingdom -- Spiritual Warfare and the Battle of Pryaer

The below video series is from -- a Lenten healing retreat with Sr. Miriam.  Make sure you have your free subscription and are signed in. 

Song of the Week: This is How I Fight My Battles, UpperRoom Music
"It may look like I'm surrounded, but I'm surrounded by You!"

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