Resources: Evangelization, Service & Connection Part 2
on May 16th, 2024
Here's What We Did in Class:We watched the first ten minutes, and as well as the section Will referred to last week, of the Fearless Documentary...strong recommendation to watch the entire thing at home and be inspired to get out there and do Kingdom things!  Alpha and Kingdom Builders are definitely still open and in need of volunteers! Email me if you are interested in getting in contact with ei...  Read More
Discipleship Homework: Evangelization, Service & Connection Part 1
on May 8th, 2024
Meditate on these Passages from the Word of God that have to do with evangelizationMatthew 28: 16-20Mark 16: 14-201 Thessalonians 2: 1-12Luke 24: 36-50Acts 1: 1-12Acts 2:22-41Romans 10: 1-21 Ask Jesus: Who is one person you want me to share the Gospel with this week?Holy Spirit, how do you want me to share the gospel with (person's name)?And do it!! Step out and talk with Aaron or Will or both -- ...  Read More
Resources: Evangelization, Service & Connection Part 1
on May 8th, 2024
Here's What We Did in Class:We watched the below video from ALPHA on how and why we should share the gospel--very motivating--check it out!Then, guest speakers, Aaron and Will presented two incredible opportunities to serve and evangelize --- ministries of St. Vincent's-- Alpha and Kingdom Builders.Alpha is running from July 11 - the end of August with a retreat day to culminate the expereince.  T...  Read More
Habits of a Disciple Workshop Part 4- Discipleship Homework
on May 2nd, 2024
Meditate on these Passages from the Word of God that have to do with intentionality and running the race so as to win with community1 Tim 4: 6-161 Cor 9: 21-27Galatians 6: 7-102 Peter 1: 1-11James 2: 12-27Hebrews 6: 1-8Sirach 6:8-37 (surprise treasure in Old Testament, you might not know)\Read them outloud and emphasize different words each time, journal about them asking the Lord help you accompl...  Read More
Habits of Discipleship Part 4 Resources
on May 2nd, 2024
Here's What We Did in Class:We had some amazing testimonies from Linda J and Leigh K:--) Check them out below. In small group we discussed the testimonies and shared with one another how we were going to go forward more intentionally as disciples.  We also did a Bible study on Matthew 13: 1-23 Handouts from Previous Classes Dr. Caroline Leaf handouts from last week: The Catholic Pscyhologist who a...  Read More
Habits of a Disciple Workshop Part 3- Discipleship Homework
on April 24th, 2024
Meditate on these Passages from the Word of God that have to do with stewarding our finances/wealth:Exodus 35:21; Exodus 36:3–6Leviticus 27:30; Malachi 3:11–12Proverbs 3:9–10Luke 6:38; Matthew 6:1–42 Corinthians 8:5 -21; 2 Corinthians 9:5 - 13Matthew 6:26 -311 Corinthians 16:2; 1 Timothy 6:17–19Matthew 25:35–40; Acts 20:35Read them outloud and emphasize different words each time, journal about the...  Read More
Habits of Discipleship Part 3 Resources
on April 24th, 2024
Here's What We Did in Class:We continued a lesson from Dr. Caroline Leaf (part 4 of her Switch on Your Brain DVD series (not available online, so I cannot show it)Then we talked about tithing and stewarding our finances -- we had a testimony from Sallie Brown and Deacon Kevin and shared in small groupBelow, you can find the video we watched the first 15 minutes of last week from Dr. Caroline Leaf,...  Read More
Habits of Discipleship Part 2 Resources
on April 17th, 2024
Here's What We Did in Class:We had some quality time in small group to pray ACTS together  and shared about our time assessment exercise if we did it or if not, then just off the cuff where we felt our time was well spent and where the Lord was asking us to make adjustments.We focused in on what the Lord says in His Word about stewarding our minds, hearts and thought life.  Each small group took a...  Read More
Habits of a Disciple Workshop Part 2- Discipleship Homework
on April 17th, 2024
Meditate on these Passages from the Word of God that have to do with stewarding our thoughts/minds/hearts:Philippians 4: 8-9Proverbs 4: 20-23Psalm 46: 10Romans 12: 2Ephesians 4: 22-24Colossians 3:1-32 Corinthians 10: 3-51 Peter 5:7-8Read them outloud and emphasize different words each time, journal about them asking the Lord help you accomplish and focus in on what they are asking of us. If you di...  Read More
Habits of Discipleship Part 1 Resources
on April 11th, 2024
Here's What We Did in Class:We had some quality time in small group to pray ACTS together (one of the great habits of discipleship we learned before, that we'll be reinforcing together at the beginning of these sessions, and you are encouraged to use in your daily prayer time).Then we Walked through the parable of the talents together as a large group (see slides 7 and 8 in the pink button below) ...  Read More
Habit Workshop & Stewarding God's Gifts Part 1- Discipleship Homework
on April 10th, 2024
Meditate on these Passages from the Word of God that have to do with life during your prayer time this week:Luke 16: 10-31Matthew 13: 1-23John 15: 6-11Luke 19: 11-27Luke 13: 22-30Ephesians 4: 22-24Mark 8: 34-38 Fill out the Time Spent Assessment Sheet and pray with the questions on the right hand side (one or two a day).  Journal your conversation with God.  Watch one of the extra resources in the...  Read More
Post -Easter DIP Discipleship Homework 4-2-24
on April 5th, 2024
Spend time in prayer with the Testimony Creation Guide and work on answering at least 5 of the questions, if not creating a 1-2 page written testimony by Tuesday Read the Readings of the Day (Or just one from Book of Acts or Gospel) each day (Great ones about resurrection and about the early church Take a look at Fr. Alex's homilies the past few days --they are excellent and what discipleship is a...  Read More

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